
Youth Programs

Business skills combined with digital and information literacy are the most effective workforce preparedness tools which empower youth enable social justice, and equity. 

Our signature programs include:

  • So, You Want to Be a YouTube Star
  • Entrepreneurs & Influencers

These programs teach the social, technical, and business skills youth need to achieve, while engaging them in content they WANT to learn, all matched to PA State Academic Standards for Technology, Entrepreneurship, Communications, Math, and more.

Adult Programs

Empower yourself with your technology!

Our adult programs include:

  • Entrepreneur Development Cohorts
  • So, You Want To Be a YouTube Star
  • Digital You: Protect and Prosper
  • Emotional Agility: Your Super Secret Skill Set
  • Parenting though Cyberbullying

With access to a computer connected to the internet there is nothing that you can’t do, learn, be, or accomplish.

We all use technology every day. Let us teach you how to master these amazing tools in a realistic context.

Grow with Google

As a Grow with Google Partner we are able to offer a variety of workshops:

  • Small Businesses and Startups
  • Job Seekers & Students
  • Veterans & Military Families
  • Returning Citizens
  • Seniors


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